Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Conventional Treatments & Survival

Conventional Treatments & Survival

Conventional treatments for mesothelioma typically consist of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Surgery can include any surgical procedure. Chemotherapy includes various drugs that are considered toxic because they work by killing both healthy and cancerous cells. And radiation therapy can be delivered through different methods. For example, radiation such as x-rays or gamma rays may be delivered externally via external beam radiation. Radiation can also be delivered internally by placing radioactive substances such as cesium, iridium, and iodine near or into cancerous cells within the body or administering radionuclides systemically (directly into the bloodstream).

Results of Conventional Treatments Administered to Mesothelioma Patients

Important Note : These are summaries of results of clinical trials that have been made available by Cancer Monthly: The Source for Cancer Treatment Results. The source data are the clinical results reported in the medical literature. To learn more about these treatments click on the icon under "More Information." This will open a new window that will contain the study's abstract. Print out the abstract and share it with your doctor. Your doctor can help you determine if a particular treatment is right for you.