Mesothelioma Diagnosis
It is often difficult to diagnose mesothelioma because the symptoms of the disease are similar to those of several other conditions. To reach the diagnosis of mesothelioma, a physician must carefully assess several clinical and radiological findings as well as a confirming tissue biopsy.
It will usually take several days or longer to receive the results of diagnostic tests and biopsies to make a pleural mesothelioma diagnosis, peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosis or pericardial mesothelioma diagnosis. Though it is of course difficult to wait, patients should know that their doctors are using the best tools available to reach an accurate diagnosis and that their physicians will explain the diagnosis as soon as possible. A proper diagnosis is essential for determining the best mesothelioma treatment available.
Physical Examination and History
The first step in the diagnostic process is for the doctor to get a history from the patient and to conduct a thorough physical examination. Based on the examination and the patient’s symptoms, the doctor will choose the next appropriate step.
Radiological Tests
Radiological tests like chest x-rays, CT scans or PET scans play a major role in the diagnosis of mesothelioma. These tests are also valuable in determining how far the disease has spread. However, a confirmed diagnosis of mesothelioma will also require a biopsy.
Although preliminary tests can provide helpful information in narrowing down a diagnosis, a final accurate diagnosis of mesothelioma requires a biopsy. A biopsy is a procedure to remove tissue from the body to allow a pathologist to examine the suspected cancer under a microscope. Even though a biopsy is the most effective way to achieve an accurate diagnosis of mesothelioma, malignant mesothelioma cells may appear to be some other type of cancer. To prevent any mistake, a pathologist will conduct special laboratory tests on the body-tissue obtained during the biopsy and may even use an electron microscope to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma.
Blood Test (Mesomark)
A new blood test called Mesomark may offer the possibility of earlier diagnosis and perhaps more successful treatment for mesothelioma patients. Development of this test has been an exciting recent development in the diagnosis of mesothelioma.